Overhead Cranes

EOT Crane Manufacturer

AIfa Crane Overhead Cranes is the Overhead travelling Crane (OHTC). We can supply all possible types of crane, including single girder bridge, double girder crab, torsion beam, and travelling wall mounted cranes. We design your crane to your specific needs.

We also have options of multiple hoists, hazardous environment proofing, walkways and service areas. If there are tight space constraints. Cranes will achieve the best possible lifting heights and side approaches.


  • Capacity Range : 1MT – 25MT
  • Span : Upto 20Mtrs.
  • Height of Lift : Upto 30Mtrs.
  • Crane Type : HOT/ EOT/ Semi EOT
  • Models : Goliath Crane, Jib Crane, Double Girder &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Crane, Single Girder Crane, Low Headroom Crane.
  • Applications : Automobile Industries, Foundries, &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Rubber Industry, Steel Plant, Textile Industries, &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Waste Product Plant
  • Overhead Cranes

    AIfa Crane Overhead Cranes is the Overhead travelling Crane (OHTC). We can supply all possible types of crane, including single girder bridge, double girder crab, torsion beam, and travelling wall mounted cranes. We design your crane to your specific needs.

    We also have options of multiple hoists, hazardous environment proofing, walkways and service areas. If there are tight space constraints. Cranes will achieve the best possible lifting heights and side approaches.


  • Capacity Range : 1MT – 25MT
  • Span : Upto 20Mtrs.
  • Height of Lift : Upto 30Mtrs.
  • Crane Type : HOT/ EOT/ Semi EOT
  • Models : Goliath Crane, Jib Crane, Double Girder &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Crane, Single Girder Crane, Low Headroom Crane.
  • Applications : Automobile Industries, Foundries, &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Rubber Industry, Steel Plant, Textile Industries, &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Waste Product Plant
  • EOT Crane Manufacturer in India | Lift Manufacturer in India | EOT Crane Manufacturer |Lift Manufacturer | Electric Wire Rope Hoist Manufacturer | Electric Wire Rope Hoist Manufacturer in India.


    Alfa Engineering works | DESIGNED BY : SOFTCOPY AUTOMATION PVT. LTD.